
• ••^v´¯`×) Må¯|¯®€ñzª (×´¯`v^• ••™

Positives vs. Negatives of writting blogs!


  • As the website is in spanish we will have to get used to the spanish being used, and therefore broaden our vocabulary.
  • We will be writting more spanish, which will obviously help our spanish.
  • We might get feedback in spanish, once again helping us with our reading as well as our understanding of the language.
  • We will also be connected to the spanish world, which may prove to be helpful.
  • This will also aid our letter, and email writting skills.


  • As it is on the internet it may not always be easy to access.
  • As the website is in spanish it may prove to be difficult to work at times.
  • Understanding other people's blogs may also prove to be difficult.